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December 18, 2023

The 5 Best Product Feedback Tools with Upvoting

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Collecting customer feedback and responding in time is one of the basic but proven ways of developing healthy and long-term relationships with your customers. It helps you refine your product, and increase revenue consistently. In the past few years, a ton of new product feedback tools have flooded the market, with various features - some more useful than others.

Upvoting is one of those features that often gets neglected but carries a lot of weight. It brings tons of value for product managers, builders, and even growth leaders.

Without a proper upvote feature, it becomes difficult to quantify and organize ideas and feedback into actionable items. Proper use of the upvote feature helps you achieve your financial goals in the long run by always getting information from your most important stakeholders… your customers.

Today, we’ll show you some of the very best feedback tools with upvoting that you can use to start gathering quantitative feedback with ease.

But first…

What is upvoting and why is it important?

Let’s first discuss what FeedBack is and how it relates to upvoting. There are two main types of feedback you as a decision-maker should be interested in - qualitative and quantitative. Each of them is important in its own way and if you have just one side of the story, you’re going to be lost on your product management path.

In general, qualitative feedback comes in the form of customer testimonials, reviews, interviews, and in general, customer accounts of how they feel about your product. Quantitative feedback, on the other hand, is expressed in numbers, for example, 50 customers want a certain feature or 100 customers complain about a bug.

Upvoting allows you to quantify the qualitative feedback of customers in to actionable items. For example, if there is a customer who leaves a feature request, other customers can upvote or downvote it and tell you quickly if they too want this feature hinting and guiding you towards a hidden opportunity to create value.

In other words, you can use upvotes to make quick product decisions as opposed to a manual process where you go through pages and hours of analyzing and organizing qualitative feedback to get the right insights. Couple that up with a confirmation survey and you are looking at an extensive and exhausting process where you might miss valuable information in the translations.


Are you looking for a product feedback tool with upvoting that is easy to use, affordable, and has tons of extra features? Look no further - FeedBear has your back.

bug tracking resized.png

It all starts with a feedback board. Everyone can leave feedback here, either anonymously or with a registered account. Anything goes - from bug reports to general feedback and feature requests.

When other customers or visitors glance through these entries, they can support them by upvoting them to show their agreement. And it’s just the beginning of a customer-centric feedback loop. As you decide to move these feedback entries from your feedback board to a roadmap, everyone who upvoted it gets a notification in their email inbox.

As we just mentioned, FeedBear also has product roadmaps, where customers can also upvote items and tell you if they want a feature built sooner rather than later.

And at the end of the journey, there is a changelog where you can automatically add new features and bug fixes you make in your product.

In general, feature upvoting is just one of the many great features of FeedBear, making it a tool worth your time and consideration. There is a free trial available and paid plans start at $49 per month. Sign up today to get started!


When the entire product is named after upvoting features, you’re bound to have high expectations. FeatureUpvote has a similar offer compared to most entries on this list, as it allows you to collect feedback in one centralized hub, where customers and your own team can leave feedback and upvote other people’s ideas.


That’s pretty much it. You can upvote ideas and once something is finished, you can mark it as done to let everyone know you built a feature or fixed a bug. Notice that something is missing?

FeatureUpvote is missing a roadmap feature where you can show your customers how you’re progressing with the ideas they are suggesting. What is even strange is that they do have a changelog feature but still - no roadmap.

This would make it seem like FeatureUpvote is going to be a cheaper alternative to many of the other tools on this list, but once again - surprise. This tool starts at $99 per month, which is considerably more expensive than most other tools here with more features and better value.


We’ve written about Upvoty before on the FeedBear blog and the reality is that this feedback tool has quite a solid offering. While it is based on upvoting as the main aspect of the tool, it actually has a decent set of features that makes it a good fit for a general product feedback tool.


Like FeedBear, there is a main feedback board where customers can leave feedback, anonymously or log into an account of their choice. You can set up social media account signups or SSO so they stay signed it through your app. Once you decide to build a feature, you can add the feedback item to a product roadmap.

Upvoty seems like a good competitive option until you get to the pricing. The cheapest plan is surprisingly cheap at $15 per month, and it’s for a reason. It only gives you 150 tracked users, which is enough only for really small products that are either in a prototype phase or an MVP stage. To get more tracked users as well as the best integrations, you need to pay up to $39 per month.

And at this price point, there are other economical and more capable tools - such as FeedBear.

Although still fairly young compared to most other product feedback tools, Canny has amassed quite a following. Canny has some notable customers such as Ahrefs, and they are very vocal about supporting it as their feedback tool of choice. Among its many features, you can also use upvotes.


They have a centralized feedback hub, where customers can leave qualitative feedback that is enriched with upvotes, i.e. quantitative feedback. There are countless options for filtering your customers and their data, allowing you to dig into who upvoted what - which makes it even easier to make key product decisions.

Compared to giants in this field such as Productboard, Canny used to be more intuitive, leaner, and cheaper. However, it’s adding new features and functionalities as time goes by and becoming a miniature version of Trello - but with a more complex UI. However, if all you’re looking for is a tool for upvoting, none of that really matters, for one simple reason - price.

Canny costs a whopping $400 per month, putting it at the very top of this list when it comes to pricing. If you need a robust product feedback tool with all the bells and whistles, this is a good choice. For feature upvotes only, Canny is overcomplicated and overpriced.


Simplicity is the name of the game here as this tool is extremely easy to set up on your website and use for your visitors. You can just grab a few lines of code and embed them on your website, allowing your visitors to cast their votes. As the tool is not inherently built for feature requests but voting in general, you may have to tune it a bit to get the results you want.


It’s pretty customizable and you can change your fonts and colors and overall design with a few clicks. Voting is easy and your customers don’t have to log in anywhere to cast their vote. That’s about all of the good aspects of this tool.

You can’t collect feedback in a centralized location as you would with FeedBear. Your customers cannot interact with your team as there is no option to have discussions in threads or any other shape or form. There are no roadmaps or changelogs or any integrations with other tools.

Not all is bad though as VoteHub is very cheap compared to the other tools here. You can grab the basic version of the tool for just $2.99 per month. This gets you 5 VoteHubs and you cannot remove the VoteHub branding.

Overall, it’s a pretty solid offer if you’re looking to collect upvotes in general. However, if you want a robust product management tool that works from the ideation to the finished feature, you should look elsewhere.

Wrapping up

Feature upvoting is one of the easiest ways to build a product that your customers want to use - rather than basing decisions on your gut feeling. It allows your customers and team members to voice their opinions so you can prioritize and build features that really matter instead of feeling your way through the dark.

If you’re looking for a product feedback tool with upvoting that has all the right features, is easy to use, and doesn’t break the budget, give FeedBear a try! Sign up for your free trial today and start collecting feedback that drives results.

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