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December 18, 2023

Canny vs Aha! - Which is The Better Product Management Tool?

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Ever since product management became the hot new thing, software teams around the world have been rushing to create a better product workflow, become more customer-centric, follow the best methodologies, and use the best product management tools.

Product management is a necessity for many reasons. It keeps teams aligned and focused and it makes sure that you address your customers’ needs. There are plenty of tools for product management but there’s a need for new ones. While 65,000 companies use Jira today, there is clearly a need for something better for product management.

And if you’ve read countless product management tool comparisons, you’ll see two names that come up very often: Canny and Aha! Both are capable and have their strengths, but if you’re on a budget with a hard-placed deadline, you need to make up your mind fast and choose the tool that suits your team’s overall requirements.

So, which is better, Canny or Aha!? Let’s find out today.

Mockup of


Compared to Aha!, Canny is relatively new in the product management tool space as it was launched in 2017. However, they amassed quite a following. Although it has only 200 customers, most of them are very vocal about supporting it and how it helped them improve their process.

Canny pricing

We’ve written extensively about Canny pricing in another article, so we’ll give you a short overview here. There is no middle ground with this tool as there is a free trial that costs $0, giving you access to barebones features such as unlimited owners, boards, and end users. However, only one roadmap is available.

The cheapest paid plan is $400 per month, which unlocks 5 admin seats on your team. You also get cool features such as customer segmentation, internal comments, anonymous votes, and private roadmaps, which are now unlimited in number.

Although simpler compared to Aha!’s pricing, it’s definitely not cheap by any means. Canny is mostly used by startups, but you have to have deep pockets to be able to shell out $400 a month for the basic plan.

Aha! Ideas homepage screenshot


When Canny was just getting started, Aha! was an established player in the game. Launched in 2013, it was the go-to choice for many product experts even before product management became a thing. In 2022, they have over $100 million in recurring revenue, a distributed company of nearly 300 people, and the self-proclaimed title of the “#1 product development software”

Aha! pricing

This deserves a separate article on his own because figuring out how much Aha! cost is a bit of a struggle. First of all, the three parts of the product are split up so you can pay separately for Ideas, Roadmaps, and Develops.

If you want just Ideas, there are two plans, the Essentials at $39 per user per month and Advanced at $59 per user per month. The Roadmaps part is $59 per user per month at the cheapest, with the more advanced plan being even more expensive. Last but not least, Develop is a measly $9 per user per month.

So, the cheapest way to get Aha! is to pay at least $107 per user per month if you want the entire package. While you can do away with Develop, Ideas, and Roadmaps are practically inseparable and even getting those two alone is not cheap at all.

However, it’s still comparably cheaper than Canny when you put it on paper. If you’re a lightweight user with only basic product management needs, Aha! will cost you less on a monthly subscription compared to Canny with a steep flat fee of $400.

FeedBear, a better alternative to Canny and Aha!

Sometimes, all you want to do is collect feedback, organize it, get some insights, and build awesome features for your customers. You may want to skip the complex features of Aha! or the inflated price tag of Canny. And this is where FeedBear comes in.

With FeedBear, you can set up your system for collecting, managing, and storing customer feedback that doesn’t take hours to figure out. You can put in place the most basic setup in less than 60 seconds following FeedBear’s onboarding process. Also, it won’t cost an arm or a leg either.

FeedBear - Idea board.png

Just create a feedback board to get started, and let your customers add their feature requests or bug reports. They can then vote and you’ll quickly see what matters in your product.

Chose the best features to build? Simply move them to your roadmap, hosted on your website and domain.


At the very end, create a changelog from FeedBear and keep all your customers in the loop about what’s been done.


The best part? You get all of this at $49 per month, and there’s a free trial available. Sign up today to try an alternative to these tools that drives results, are easy to use, and don’t break your budget.

Wrapping up

Still, wondering whether Canny or Aha! are worth your time? Start thinking about a new tool that makes product management and collecting customer feedback easier, all the while not hurting your wallet. Sign up for your free trial of FeedBear and see how you can collect customer feedback with a fraction of the effort and budget of Canny and Aha!

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Bring feedback, ideas and feature requests in one place with FeedBear, so you can focus on what matters. Start your 30-day free trial today – no credit card required.
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